
Guided tour

Welcome to the almost 230-year-old Bábolna National Stud!

Entrance of the Horsemuseum

The guided tour in the Stud begins with the Horsemuseum, where you will be introduced to our history through relices and ornated cups stored in the showcases. Harnesses of the different driving styles, the instruments of the orchestra and many other interesting and rare tools can be seen.

A room in the Horsemuseum

The guided tour continues in the Studyard. Underneath the shady trees of the park, you can see the unique sight of the castle building. A life-sized horse statue, the sculptural portraits of our great commanders and the symbol of the Stud, the old acacia planted in 1710 can be found in our nicely decorated yard with fountains. The two wings of the castle continue with the stables, where you can meet our purebred Arabian and Shagya-Arabian stallions and mares. The impressive Riding Hall is in the middle of the yard, and our Coach Museum is placed next to it.

After the Studyard, you can visit the Arboretum, where you can find indigenous wild and domestic animals and the Memorial of the Famous Horses, which is unique in Europe. The paddocks of the Foal Farm are next to the Arboretum, where the foals of this year can be seen together with their dams.

Still life of the stud yard

Guided tours can be selected according to the time available and the subject of interest:

  • Guided tour in the Horsemuseum: duration approx. 1 hour
  • Guided tour in the Studyard: duration approx. 45 minutes


Visiting the Stud with a guide:

Monday:    07.30 – 15.30
Tuesday:    07.30 – 15.30
Wednesday:    07.30 – 15.30
Thursday:    07.30 – 15.30
Friday:    07.30 – 15.30
Saturday:    Groups and individual visitors are welcome at a pre-arranged time
Sunday:    Groups and individual visitors are welcome at a pre-arranged time
The language of the guided is German, contact:

Between 1 October and 31 March:

Monday:    07.30 – 15.30
Tuesday:    07.30 – 15.30
Wednesday:    07.30 – 15.30
Thursday:    07.30 – 15.30
Friday:    07.30 – 15.30
Saturday:    –
Sunday:    –

Horse activities

Our programs provide a great opportunity to show the unique appearance of the Shagya-Arabian and purebred Arabian horses.

Carriage show and stallion presentation

We present a five- or four-horse carriage and a two-horse carriage to our guests, who may also try the vehicles of the gentlemen in the past centuries during the program. The noble characteristics of our horses and the famous bloodlines are presented with two purebred Arabians and two Shagya-Arabians. The light but energetic horses are astonishing the audience every time.

Duration of the program: approx. 0.5 hour.

The famous five-in-hand in the woods

Carriage ride

Starting from the Studyard, our guests may enjoy a ride to the nearby Arboretum with a carriage pulled by two Shagya-Arabian mares. The park looks different from the high seat, the carriage ride is a unique experience for both children and adults.

Carriage ride for groups


The above programs can be organized on multiple days, so you can have a relaxing holiday in Bábolna. Packages can even be a great gift.

Relaxing weekend

  • 3 days in Bábolna
  • 2 nights in the Imperiál Hotel
  • guided tour at the Stud
  • carriage ride in the Arboretum
  • all-day ticket to the spa in Komárom (25 kms from Bábolna)

We require a prior registration for our horse activities and for groups.
